Saturday, September 6, 2008

Busy, and no camera

Sorry. I've been super busy and (from the title of the post) I can't find my camera. It's somewhere in the maze of boxes that I'm not ready to go through.
So you've missed a lot. There was my Birthday Extravaganza- a 10 day long celebration that kicked me ass (I've never been that exhausted- apparently I can't party like a rock star while working a regular job), the Yankee Party bus, and yes, I have already ordered my Halloween Costume.
A fairly expensive costume. $80! But I. Will. Look. Fabulous! Here's a hint.. I'm as proud as a _________. Can you guess what it is?
Soon I promise that I will steal my Mom and my sister's pictures so that I can photo-document my summer. So check back soon.
Maybe I'll even borrow my mom's camera and capture the memories of a Saturday night with some friends...