Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lucky to be alive

I was driving.

I walked away from this with only minor injuries. All I can say is that I witnessed a miracle first hand.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Before and current

Before- taken the morning of surgery

Recovery- taken yesterday

And yes it hurt. Yes it still hurts. But love makes everything feel better. Thanks, Quincy!

And the after pictures will be posted once all the swelling goes down.

Friday, May 1, 2009


I have a bunch of pictures that I can post once I feel better. I expected the recovery to suck, but I was hoping that it wouldn't be too bad. Yeah, it's the exact oposite of "not too bad". It sucks so much. Anyone who was worried that I would become addicted to plastic surgery can just realx. In fact, this hurts so much that I don't think I ever want to give birth, because the recovery from that will make this look like a day at the beach.
And to add insult to injury (literally), I have an allergy to Vicodin. When I take it, I get so itchy, itchy, itchy that I am crawling out of my skin. So now it's just me and Tylenol. And it sucks.
I still have all this tape around my chin, so I don't exactly know what I look like yet. I have more of an idea now that the huge bandage is off. When they were removing the bandage Wednesday, it kind of reminded me of a Twilight Zone episode. As then unwrapped my face, everyone else saw me before I knew what I looked like. They were like, "Look at how good she looks." and "There's much less bruising than expected." I was just hoping that I looked human. It's really a bizzare feeling when you don't know what you look like. I can't wait for this tape to fall off.
I think I feel better today than yesterday, but I have bouts where I feel pretty good, then a few minutes later I can hardly keep my eyes open because I hurt so much all there is to do is sleep.
Well, my big adenda today consists of going to Dunkin Donuts with Bre and SR to enjoy some coffee, then back to my house for a tv and movie marathon (actually getting kind of sick of tv and movie marathons since I've been doing them for like 4 days), and maybe I'll order some Chinese food for dinner tonight. Yum. Steamed dumplings should be easy enough to eat...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Going Under the Knife

Tuesday is the day! I'm having my surgery. I'm getting a chin implant and liposuction. I go in Tuesday at 9am. The surgery will take approx. 2 hours, then I'll have a few days off to recover. I'm excited, but also nervous. And both the excitement and nervousness are growing as the day gets closer. I woke up at 6 this morning and for some reason, this thought popped into my head: "This is the last Saturday that I'm going to wake up with my original face." Try falling back to sleep after that idea. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cultural Ignorance

One of my best friends, SarahRose, is Jewish. Or as she would day, "Jew-ish." Anyway, she asked me Monday night if I would join her family for Passover dinner. She said that it would involve a small ceremony, and drinking lots of wine and eating food. Drinking wine and eating food are 2 things that I can really support. But I was unsure of what the ceremony involved. Wondering out loud, using the little bit of knowledge I did have related to the holiday, I asked her if the ceremony involved putting lambs blood on the door. She started to laugh and asked me if my family planned on crucifying anyone this weekend.
So I went there for dinner tonight, and I brought a bottle of wine. The ceremony did not involve lamb blood (thank goodness), but whenever the lamb blood was mentioned, SR would nudge me with her elbow. Then, at one point during the ceremony, we opened the door for Elijah and Miriam. SarahRose's mom said to me, "This is the door that we put the lamb blood on earlier." I turned bright red. Totally embarrassed. Or maybe it was from all the wine we'd been drinking?
But it was a fun night. And the food...delicious! Yum! Thanks for inviting me, SarahRose!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Go Yankees!

Yay! Yay! It's Opening Day! Go Yankees!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bye, Pop.

Last Sunday, the world lost one of its more unique people. My grandfather passed away. Anyone who ever experienced him knows how special he was. Bye Pop! Keep an eye on me from up there! But can you do it quietly?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why I do what I do

I have been super frustrated at work lately. It's like I walk into the house and instantly by blood pressure jumps like 40mmHg and I'm about the angriest person you'd ever meet. I'm not the angry person in front of the kids- I pretty much take whatever they throw at me- but once the kids are at school it's like Mr. Hyde comes out.
Anyway, the kids are getting ready for school this morning and I go into the living room to see what's going on and how the kids look before school (I get upset if the kids go out of the house looking messy). This one little guy, we'll call him Sam, is just sitting in his wheelchair listening to music. Just sitting. That is very unusual for Sam because he loves music- especially music with a beat. He usually listens for a second then starts clapping and dancing along. So it was funny to see him sitting there with his hands on his tray- not even tapping along with the NSYNC song blaring behind him.
I walk up to him and say, "What's going on, Sam?" as I put my hands on top of his hands. He looks at me, smiles, grabs my hands and starts making me dance along with the music- laughing and singing.
As the song ends, I say, "So what did you think of that song?" And Sam takes both of my hands, puts them to his cheeks and squeezes- like he was making my hands hug his face- and says, "I like that song."
I melted. And it hit me. That's why I love my job. That's why I LOVE working with this population. I love those kids.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

1600 Calorie diet

I have lost 50 pounds! I'm trying to watch what I eat and stay active. Here's that I ate today:
This morning, I had a very healthy breakfast. I had one scrambled egg (cooked with olive oil in stead of butter). One medium egg has approx 65 calories, and the one Tbsp of olive oil has 120 calories. The egg was seasoned with 1 Tbsp black pepper at 16 calories and 1 Tbsp salt at 0 calories. Then, I also had one breakfast chicken sausage that has 60 calories. Then I had one cup of coffee with skim milk at 25 calories. Breakfast had a grand total of 286 calories.
Then I went on a moderate hike with a friend at a state park and had a lovely time. Then, we came back and made lunch. We had a salad which consisted of 3/4 cup of lettuce (5 calories), 2 Tbsp Goddess Dressing (130 calories), 1/8 cup fresh sliced almonds (70 calories), and 1/8 cup dried cranberries (50 calories) The salad had a total of 255 calories. Then we also cooked some roasted garlic chicken sausage which has 140 calories. We dipped the sausage in 1 Tbsp Dill Mustard at 0 calories. We drank Coke Zero which also has 0 calories. The total calories in lunch were 395!
Total calories thus far: 681. Then, we had a Pop Tart for a snack at 200 calories. We also had a seltzer at 0 calories. Up to 881.
For dinner, we had a 4oz ground chicken burger at 180 calories with various seasonings added to increase the caloric total to approximately 209. Burgers were cooked with 1 Tbsp olive oil at 120 calories. We also had 3/4 cup of baked curly fries at 160 calories. We had more Coke Zero with dinner. Now total daily calories are at 1370.
In a little while, I plan to have a glass of Ovaltine with skim milk at 170 calories and a chocolate chip rice cake at 60 calories. That will put my total calories for the day at 1600.
Especially if I go to the gym 4 or 5 times a week and still work out at home on the other days. Here's to my continued weight loss.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Food for Thought

I met with a doctor yesterday. What I found out from him is that my chin is so small that even with an XL implant, I still won't have the results I want. What he recommends is to also have liposuction and tissue removed. The total cost for the procedure would be $6612.50.
I have another consultation scheduled with a different doctor next week. Not to say that I didn't like the first doctor. I liked him a lot. He seems really knowledgeable. He specializes in facial plastic surgery and he teaches part time at a med school in the city. But, I feel like it would be silly and risky if I don't meet with more than one doctor. So I should be closer to making a decision in 7 days.
In other news, my weight loss has hit 49 pounds! I hope to drop another pound by the weekend. I feel like I have to treat myself to something special when I hit 50 pounds, and I want to treat (or spoil) myself soon.
Also, I was just in a grumpy mood this afternoon. I knew that I wanted to change my outlook, but I didn't know what to do. I decided to go to the gym in hope of freeing some endorphins. It was a success! I do feel much better now! I don't know if it's because I feel better after exercising, or if it was more because I dropped another 24 seconds off of my mile time! It's down to 7:50! Not bad- especially considering that when I started at the gym, it was 17 minutes! Yay for me!
Hope Friday flies by... can't wait for the weekend!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Get Involved!

There may not be a 2009 Rosendale Street Festival. We need your help if we're going to pull this off. And it will be fun! On Saturday, March 14th, join us for: Rosendale Street Festival: Winter Benefit. Come listen to 9 great local bands, enjoy some yummy food, and find out what you (yes, YOU) can do to save the Rosendale Street Festival. So, March 14 from 12pm-10pm. See you there!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I have 2 consultations scheduled with 2 different doctors in early March. I'm not sure if you can really understand what I want unless you see it, so here's a link to a medical group in Albany. I have a consultation with this group, but not this doctor. Regardless, you can click on the link to see what I want done.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


**Note- I've been toying with the idea of this post for a few days and I've decided to post it. I'll explain my decision later.**

When I was 14, I started going to the orthodontist. My parents did spend quite a bit of money on my teeth, but we did choose to forgo some of the recommended treatments. One issue is that we chose not to address is that my mandible is underdeveloped (in plain English- I have a very small chin). This has been a constant source of insecurity for me the past 10 years.

I have been working hard to improve many other things about myself that I wasn't satisfied with. I've lost over 40 pounds and I'm going back to school. But I still wasn't happy about my profile. So, to make a long story longer, I have decided that I want to seriously look into plastic surgery to get my chin fixed.
I am excited about the opportunity of being comfortable with how I look. But I am also kind of embarrassed that I am so insecure over something so silly. But that doesn't change the fact that I am so insecure over it. Why should I spend the rest of my life unhappy about something that could easily been fixed?
As I indicated in the beginning of the post, I have chosen to make this very private choice public. I may be opening myself up to all sorts of negative comments. I know that is a real possibility.
So why am I planning to share this experience with the world? Well, I have spent about 10 years researching my options, weighing the different options and risks. I am putting myself out there so that my experience might help someone else make a decision.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Excellent Movie

I haven't been to a lot of movies lately. In fact, there are more Oscar movies that I haven't seen than ones that I have. But I was able to cross one off the list. I
saw Slumdog Millionaire tonight. It was incredible. There were several moments where I wanted to laugh and cry simultaneously. I strongly affected me. It was one of both the happiest and saddest movies that I've ever seen. And the dance sequence at the end has you leaving with a smile on your face (and if you're anything like the gang I was with, you leave with a good workout as we joined in on the dancing).
Some scenes are very hard to watch. But go see it. And hang in there through the rough scenes. I would list that movie in the potentially life changing section.
I have been toying with the idea of a foreign adoption well before Angelina Joile made it cool, and this movie has seriously strengthened my reasons.
Because really, no matter how crappy you think your life is sometimes, there are tons of people who would trade anything to have our lives. As tight as money has been from time to time, I don't know what poor means. Most people don't know what poor means. There are so many people everywhere who need help. Something simple, something that wouldn't really even cramp your style could positively change another person's life forever.
Well, now I'm rambling and tired. So I'll end with this. Go see Slumdog Millionaire and also do something nice for someone.
Have a good weekend!
PS- Happy Half Birthday to Me!!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quick Update...

I don't have a lot of time, but a lot has happened recently. I also can't get my stupid wireless internet to work. *Frustrated Noise* So here a quick update...
Work has been totally crazy. Last week, I worked 43.75 hours- and only 35 count. I miss overtime. I love my job, but I NEVER want another "Salaried" position. Ever.
I found out yesterday that I got accepted to New Paltz! So I will in fact be furthering my education in the fall. Yay!
My weight loss hit kind of a mile stone. I have lost over 40 pounds. 41 to be specific. Yeah- it's exciting. Yeah- it will be more exciting when I hit 50.
We recently found out that my paternal grandfather has stomach cancer. But it is early stages and fully contained. Surgery is planned for mid-February. Get well soon Pop!
My maternal grandfather turned 89 today!!!! Happy Birthday Grampy!!
Now I have to run out to his birthday dinner.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Help Save the Rosendale Street Fest

This is the "Pre Post" if you will. We are currently working on a press release regarding the plan for the next street fest. But here's a heads up. The Street Fest in in jeopardy. We're not sure if we will be able to pull off the Fest this year. We will know for sure after our "Help Save the Rosendale Street Fest" mixer on March 14th. It will be at the Rec Center from noon to 10pm. There will be like 10 bands, contests, food, and lots of fun! From 12-2, we will be having entertainment geared towards children and families. Then, from like 2-4, the music will be high school type music. Then, the fun continues into the night. We will also have information available for those who want to get involved with the Street Fest! We need volunteers. Whatever your talent or special skill is, we could use your help. As I'm learning this year, the Street Festival is OUR Street Festival. It won't happen if we don't make it happen. So get involved! The next meeting is 2-10 at 7pm at the Rec Center if you want to help. Otherwise, we'll see you at the mixer. Help Save the Rosendale Street Festival!!!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Girls Night

Last weekend, a group of us got together and had a girls night. We had only one intention: to have an awesome time! I think we were more than adequately prepared.
There was dancing
and card games
and time for girls to be girls
and of course there was drinking.
And the drinking lead to some other interesting situations, like a surprise bear hug for Bre
Isis joining the party
and whatever this is
and we didn't forget what an important political time we're living in.
We ended the night by frolicking in the snow! And Tobogganing. Totally legendary.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Barack Obama

I just want to take a few minutes to reflect on how incredible it is that Barack Obama is the President of the United States. He is pretty much the opposite of a legacy. He is living proof that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. His opportunities weren't handed to him. He worked so hard for everything in the face of adversity- people just waiting for him to stumble. And now, he is the most important person in the entire world! He is truly inspirational. Congratulations, President Obama!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


My family just got back from an awesome vacation. We went on a cruise and visited several tropical locations.
The ship itself was pretty spectacular. I had a lot of fun in the dining room.
It was easy to find ways to be entertained while on the ship.
As you know, I always like to try new and exotic foods. In Grand Cayman, I had some turtle soup. Just so you know, turtle has the texture of chicken, but tastes like fish.
In Cozumel, Bre and I went climbing and zip lining on the beach.
We did get a little homesick (and a phone call to SarahRose seemed to help).
Bre and I did a lot of sisterly bonding.
And I was able to spend a lot of quality time with my mom.
In Roatan, Honduras, I pet a shark!!!
The whole family had an amazing time!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

My introduction to 2009 has been good so far! Bre and I had a bunch of friends over to say good-bye to 2008, and it was a lovely evening. And so far, 2009 has been pretty good. I've got a good feeling about this year!