Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Get Involved!

There may not be a 2009 Rosendale Street Festival. We need your help if we're going to pull this off. And it will be fun! On Saturday, March 14th, join us for: Rosendale Street Festival: Winter Benefit. Come listen to 9 great local bands, enjoy some yummy food, and find out what you (yes, YOU) can do to save the Rosendale Street Festival. So, March 14 from 12pm-10pm. See you there!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I have 2 consultations scheduled with 2 different doctors in early March. I'm not sure if you can really understand what I want unless you see it, so here's a link to a medical group in Albany. I have a consultation with this group, but not this doctor. Regardless, you can click on the link to see what I want done.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


**Note- I've been toying with the idea of this post for a few days and I've decided to post it. I'll explain my decision later.**

When I was 14, I started going to the orthodontist. My parents did spend quite a bit of money on my teeth, but we did choose to forgo some of the recommended treatments. One issue is that we chose not to address is that my mandible is underdeveloped (in plain English- I have a very small chin). This has been a constant source of insecurity for me the past 10 years.

I have been working hard to improve many other things about myself that I wasn't satisfied with. I've lost over 40 pounds and I'm going back to school. But I still wasn't happy about my profile. So, to make a long story longer, I have decided that I want to seriously look into plastic surgery to get my chin fixed.
I am excited about the opportunity of being comfortable with how I look. But I am also kind of embarrassed that I am so insecure over something so silly. But that doesn't change the fact that I am so insecure over it. Why should I spend the rest of my life unhappy about something that could easily been fixed?
As I indicated in the beginning of the post, I have chosen to make this very private choice public. I may be opening myself up to all sorts of negative comments. I know that is a real possibility.
So why am I planning to share this experience with the world? Well, I have spent about 10 years researching my options, weighing the different options and risks. I am putting myself out there so that my experience might help someone else make a decision.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Excellent Movie

I haven't been to a lot of movies lately. In fact, there are more Oscar movies that I haven't seen than ones that I have. But I was able to cross one off the list. I
saw Slumdog Millionaire tonight. It was incredible. There were several moments where I wanted to laugh and cry simultaneously. I strongly affected me. It was one of both the happiest and saddest movies that I've ever seen. And the dance sequence at the end has you leaving with a smile on your face (and if you're anything like the gang I was with, you leave with a good workout as we joined in on the dancing).
Some scenes are very hard to watch. But go see it. And hang in there through the rough scenes. I would list that movie in the potentially life changing section.
I have been toying with the idea of a foreign adoption well before Angelina Joile made it cool, and this movie has seriously strengthened my reasons.
Because really, no matter how crappy you think your life is sometimes, there are tons of people who would trade anything to have our lives. As tight as money has been from time to time, I don't know what poor means. Most people don't know what poor means. There are so many people everywhere who need help. Something simple, something that wouldn't really even cramp your style could positively change another person's life forever.
Well, now I'm rambling and tired. So I'll end with this. Go see Slumdog Millionaire and also do something nice for someone.
Have a good weekend!
PS- Happy Half Birthday to Me!!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quick Update...

I don't have a lot of time, but a lot has happened recently. I also can't get my stupid wireless internet to work. *Frustrated Noise* So here a quick update...
Work has been totally crazy. Last week, I worked 43.75 hours- and only 35 count. I miss overtime. I love my job, but I NEVER want another "Salaried" position. Ever.
I found out yesterday that I got accepted to New Paltz! So I will in fact be furthering my education in the fall. Yay!
My weight loss hit kind of a mile stone. I have lost over 40 pounds. 41 to be specific. Yeah- it's exciting. Yeah- it will be more exciting when I hit 50.
We recently found out that my paternal grandfather has stomach cancer. But it is early stages and fully contained. Surgery is planned for mid-February. Get well soon Pop!
My maternal grandfather turned 89 today!!!! Happy Birthday Grampy!!
Now I have to run out to his birthday dinner.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Help Save the Rosendale Street Fest

This is the "Pre Post" if you will. We are currently working on a press release regarding the plan for the next street fest. But here's a heads up. The Street Fest in in jeopardy. We're not sure if we will be able to pull off the Fest this year. We will know for sure after our "Help Save the Rosendale Street Fest" mixer on March 14th. It will be at the Rec Center from noon to 10pm. There will be like 10 bands, contests, food, and lots of fun! From 12-2, we will be having entertainment geared towards children and families. Then, from like 2-4, the music will be high school type music. Then, the fun continues into the night. We will also have information available for those who want to get involved with the Street Fest! We need volunteers. Whatever your talent or special skill is, we could use your help. As I'm learning this year, the Street Festival is OUR Street Festival. It won't happen if we don't make it happen. So get involved! The next meeting is 2-10 at 7pm at the Rec Center if you want to help. Otherwise, we'll see you at the mixer. Help Save the Rosendale Street Festival!!!!!