I have a bunch of pictures that I can post once I feel better. I expected the recovery to suck, but I was hoping that it wouldn't be too bad. Yeah, it's the exact oposite of "not too bad". It sucks so much. Anyone who was worried that I would become addicted to plastic surgery can just realx. In fact, this hurts so much that I don't think I ever want to give birth, because the recovery from that will make this look like a day at the beach.
And to add insult to injury (literally), I have an allergy to Vicodin. When I take it, I get so itchy, itchy, itchy that I am crawling out of my skin. So now it's just me and Tylenol. And it sucks.
I still have all this tape around my chin, so I don't exactly know what I look like yet. I have more of an idea now that the huge bandage is off. When they were removing the bandage Wednesday, it kind of reminded me of a Twilight Zone episode. As then unwrapped my face, everyone else saw me before I knew what I looked like. They were like, "Look at how good she looks." and "There's much less bruising than expected." I was just hoping that I looked human. It's really a bizzare feeling when you don't know what you look like. I can't wait for this tape to fall off.
I think I feel better today than yesterday, but I have bouts where I feel pretty good, then a few minutes later I can hardly keep my eyes open because I hurt so much all there is to do is sleep.
Well, my big adenda today consists of going to Dunkin Donuts with Bre and SR to enjoy some coffee, then back to my house for a tv and movie marathon (actually getting kind of sick of tv and movie marathons since I've been doing them for like 4 days), and maybe I'll order some Chinese food for dinner tonight. Yum. Steamed dumplings should be easy enough to eat...