Friday, January 14, 2011

Pay it Forward

I was able to pass on the good will I received last week (Relying on the kindness of others, Jan. 8). My friend from work was telling me about her life situation the other day. She and her husband have recently split up, and she finds herself (and her kids) homeless. She is thinking about an apartment a few towns away, but it's far away from her family. I mention that my landlord is renting a neighboring house, and it's only about 10 minutes away from her family.
So she called my landlord, looked at the house, and loved it! Last I heard she was going to talk details and dollar signs.
I hope it works out. It's nice to feel that I'm passing on that positive energy I received from others last week. Keeping good karma out there. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone just helped out each other...

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