Yesterday, we got hit with the massive snow storm that was working its way across the country. It started to snow here at like 12:30- just flurries. By 1pm everything was already covered!
Andrew works less than 3 miles from home. He got on the bus at 3:10pm and didn't walk through the door until 4:55!! Everything was stopped! The news was saying that people who live 30 miles outside the city had a 5-6 hour commute home last night!
Needless to say, Andrew wasn't too happy when he got home. He ended up ditching the bus just over a mile away from the apartment and walked the rest of the way. And he still got home before the bus passed him again! I greeted him with a cup of hot chocolate we relaxed for a while.
Once the snow stopped coming down so quickly, we thought it would be fun to take Quincy out and look at all the snow. Quincy loves the snow. As soon as he's outside in snow, he starts to frolic!
You can't really tell he's frolicking in the pictures b/c I made him stop to take the pictures, but notice how far in front of us he is? He's a quick frolicker.

We took a peek at our car. We don't have a shovel, but we need to get one soon otherwise our car isn't going anywhere until spring.

We planned on taking Quincy to the park, but on the way there, we passed a house where they had salted the sidewalk and the road. I think the salt must have stung little chapped spots in Quincy's paws because he froze right there and started to whine and hold his paws up. I tried to clean them out with snow, but he was still limping, so we started to head home. Once we walked in the clean snow for a while, the salt got washed out of his paws and he started to frolic again.

He was so happy to be out in the snow...

I thought that maybe the cats wanted to play in the snow too. I didn't want to bring the cats out to the snow, so I brought the snow in to them.

She-Ra was very interested in it...

While Roxy was very upset that I put some snow on her back.

The snow is pretty, but it's a pain in the ass to clean up after.
So here's today's Christmas Song. Enjoy!

I made this music player at