Monday, August 20, 2007

Busy Weekend...

We had a busy weekend! We went to NY to look at a modular house that we are thinking about buying. We really liked the house, we just need to figure out if we feel comfortable building there with the recent floods over the past few years. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Any ideas as to how we can make a house flood proof? Or at least flood resistant? We have some ideas, but we're open to hearing what you think.

We had a little birthday party at my parent's house. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Leave it to me to stretch my birthday out for a week. Pop is living with my parents, and Grammy and Grampy live a few minutes away, so it's easy to get people together on short notice. Andrew, Mom, Bre, Pop, Grammy and Grampy got together with me to enjoy some birthday cake. Yum- Funny Bone Cake! Thanks Mom! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

My Dad was at the "party" too, but he was outside working on his soapbox for the 13th Annual Artist's Soapbox Derby. The theme of his soapbox this year was "Rosendale: A Carrousel of Festivals" It turned out really well. In fact, my Dad came home yesterday with a Trophy and a gift certificate to Mariner's. It was a bonding experience for Bre and Dad. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Soapbox got quite a bit of attention at the Derby.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Dad and Pop relax after a busy day.

And we also have a new member of our family. Well, we don't have her yet- she's only 11 days old! But in October, we will be bringing She-Ra home. Pam found her outside on August 9, and has taken her in. She is so small- her eyes aren't even open yet, and it's hard to get a good picture of her. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket She's like the size of a hamster! We have plans to go back to NY this coming up weekend. It will be interesting to see how much She-Ra will grow in a week. I hope her eyes will be open so she can see her new Mama and Dad!


Fluffy said...

Hi, Kieran. I just joined. What time are you guys coming in on Friday? You need to post something controversial to get the comments coming in!

Breanna said...

That kitten is cute! I still haven't seen it. I hope that some miracle occurs, and you guys make it up early on Friday...

Unknown said...

How will you live in a 1 bedroom apt with 2 cats and a dog?

Unknown said...

As far as flood proofing your house, it is not possible. What is possible is the mitigation of damage when the inevitable flood does come...check with an civil engineer...maybe Andrew can ask around at school!

Emily said...

Mom did not find it- I did! The kitten fell off the car seat and almost dieD because it was so cold and hungry, nd I kept placing him on his mom until she took care of her.
Anyway, she's doing well.