So, last night we went to Lobstafest. Had a lovely time. Good food, great people, tons of fun! There was one little snag on the evening, though. As we were getting ready to leave, I missed a step and fell on my butt! First of all, it was totally embarrassing. But the bigger issue was that my ankle swelled up to the size of a balloon. I couldn't walk on it last night, so we hobbled to the car and Andrew practically carried me inside. I went to bed hoping that it would feel better in the morning. Well, when I work up this morning, it wasn't any better. I agreed that I had to go to urgent care. From there I was sent to the ER for x-rays. Turns out it's not broken, but it hurts like a mother. This is what my left foot looks like today...

Notice how it is proportional and not swollen?
And this is what my right foot looks like...

See that baseball sized lump on my ankle? I don't think that's supposed to be there. :-(
I was supposed to work this week, but the doctor says it will be a few days before I can even put weight on it. I literally have to crawl around the apartment. Anyone want to come over to wait on me while Andrew's at work all week?
Oh no! That is sooooo not good... I wish I could come wait on you. Take care of yourself! :(
Kieran I am so sorry you hurt your self. I wish I could come up and help you. Take care of your self.
Kieran - try an "aircast".....they sell them at any full service drug store or sporting goods store. When I blew my ankle out (chipped the bone and blew 2 or 3 liagaments) I couldn't walk for weeks until someone introduced me to the can even wear a shoe with it!
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