Don't expect much from me this weekend because I'm working all weekend. Want to hear something stupid? I'm working Friday and Saturday 7a-7p. The new schedule started on Sunday. Usually when you're working your weekend, you work the same shift all weekend (i.e. 7a or 7p). Well, they have me working 7p-7a on Sunday! So I get to come home Saturday night, all cranky and grumpy and tired to go to bed. Then I wake up Sunday morning only to go back to bed since I have to work Sunday night. I can't sleep for like 18 hours straight! I don't think I'm going to be the fun brigade Sunday night. :-(
I think it's safe to say that Quincy likes kittens.
See any similarities from when Roxy was a kitten to now that Quincy has She-Ra?
But who wouldn't want to be friends with this girl?
All 3 of them hang out together, but do you know how hard it is to have 3 not so smart animals pose for a picture? This was the best I could get.
Not to say t hat Roxy doesn't value her alone time (in her most favorite toy- we were going to throw out this box, but we can't bring ourselves to do it because Roxy loves it so much!)
I could keep taking pictures of these guys forever (if you check out my computer you can see tha tI pretty much have been), but sometimes I just know that it's time to put the camera down (perhaps with some nudging from Quincy and his "no more pictures" face).
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