Thursday, February 12, 2009

Excellent Movie

I haven't been to a lot of movies lately. In fact, there are more Oscar movies that I haven't seen than ones that I have. But I was able to cross one off the list. I
saw Slumdog Millionaire tonight. It was incredible. There were several moments where I wanted to laugh and cry simultaneously. I strongly affected me. It was one of both the happiest and saddest movies that I've ever seen. And the dance sequence at the end has you leaving with a smile on your face (and if you're anything like the gang I was with, you leave with a good workout as we joined in on the dancing).
Some scenes are very hard to watch. But go see it. And hang in there through the rough scenes. I would list that movie in the potentially life changing section.
I have been toying with the idea of a foreign adoption well before Angelina Joile made it cool, and this movie has seriously strengthened my reasons.
Because really, no matter how crappy you think your life is sometimes, there are tons of people who would trade anything to have our lives. As tight as money has been from time to time, I don't know what poor means. Most people don't know what poor means. There are so many people everywhere who need help. Something simple, something that wouldn't really even cramp your style could positively change another person's life forever.
Well, now I'm rambling and tired. So I'll end with this. Go see Slumdog Millionaire and also do something nice for someone.
Have a good weekend!
PS- Happy Half Birthday to Me!!!!!

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