Thursday, March 5, 2009

Food for Thought

I met with a doctor yesterday. What I found out from him is that my chin is so small that even with an XL implant, I still won't have the results I want. What he recommends is to also have liposuction and tissue removed. The total cost for the procedure would be $6612.50.
I have another consultation scheduled with a different doctor next week. Not to say that I didn't like the first doctor. I liked him a lot. He seems really knowledgeable. He specializes in facial plastic surgery and he teaches part time at a med school in the city. But, I feel like it would be silly and risky if I don't meet with more than one doctor. So I should be closer to making a decision in 7 days.
In other news, my weight loss has hit 49 pounds! I hope to drop another pound by the weekend. I feel like I have to treat myself to something special when I hit 50 pounds, and I want to treat (or spoil) myself soon.
Also, I was just in a grumpy mood this afternoon. I knew that I wanted to change my outlook, but I didn't know what to do. I decided to go to the gym in hope of freeing some endorphins. It was a success! I do feel much better now! I don't know if it's because I feel better after exercising, or if it was more because I dropped another 24 seconds off of my mile time! It's down to 7:50! Not bad- especially considering that when I started at the gym, it was 17 minutes! Yay for me!
Hope Friday flies by... can't wait for the weekend!

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