Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I can't take it anymore!

We have been to cheap and/or lazy to get She-Ra fixed. We kept thinking, "Oh, we'll get to it sooner or later." She's an indoor cat so we were not worried about her getting pregnant or anything.
Well, the past few nights, sleeping has not been very easy. She-Ra's in heat...AGAIN! She spends her time wandering around our apartment yowling and howling. Non Stop.
Then she spends her days asleep. I want to go around and poke her all day when she's sleeping so that she'll stay up tonight.
It's one thing when I have the day off, but I'm working tomorrow and Friday (my last 2 days at the Fran), and if I don't get enough sleep, I'll be really grumpy (and perhaps unsafe). I'm hoping that she's finishing up, but I think that's just happy thoughts.

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