Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's Snowing!!!

The first real snow and I have officially completed all of my Christmas/Christmahanukkah :-) (you're welcome, SR) shopping for the year! Ands don't worry... I didn't forget myself. But I deserve some new clothes. I've lost 31 pounds so far, so my old clothes look a little silly sometimes.
But this isn't going to be a long post. I have to bring in a bunch of stuff from the car and get to bed. I have a fun-filled day in the City to look forward to. For Christmas, I got my parents, Bre, and of course me tickets to go see "All My Sons" on Broadway starring John Lithgow and Katie Holmes! I'm super duper psyched! If only it was going to be a beautiful, warm, sunny day...
Oh well! I'm not going to let it rain on my parade- or snow as the case may be.

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