Monday, December 1, 2008

Killing Time...

I don't really have anything exciting to post. I have some friends over, but they are outside having a cigarette. So what has been going on?
I worked really hard at the gym today. I got my mile time down even lower, 11:28. Not bad. Especially considering that a few weeks ago when I started at the gym, I did a mile in like 16 minutes. But I would like to get it down to about 10.
That's something that I don't think I've mentioned- I've been working really hard to lose weight. I have lost 28 pounds since July. And it has been hard work. I have been going to the gym about 4 times per week and do an hour of cardio. It's kind of weird, becasue when I come home, my body feels exhausted and energized at the same time. I want to get in a little better cardio shape first, but soon I think I'm going to add some light weight lifting to get better defined. But then, I'll have to switch back to more cardio because I want to do some races in the spring time.
I booked a vacation for January. I'm going on a cruise! One of the stops in Belize!!! I've always wanted to go to Belize! I can't wait! I'm so psyched!
And- just so you know- the cruise is more motivation to keep up the heavy workout regime!
Ok- they're back inside. More later.

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