Thursday, February 14, 2008

Let's take a step back...

I'm sure that by now, everyone has seen or at least heard about this video:

The situation is totally wrong and should not have been handled like that, however the media is really driving me crazy with one small mis-fact.
The man is not quadriplegic. If you watch the video of the incident, he braces himself with his arms. And if you watch the interview, he is moving his arms.
Ask anyone with medical knowledge (or anyone with knowledge of Latin prefixes and roots). Quad=4 therefore quadriplegic means that all 4 limb are paralyzed.
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary defines quadriplegia as follows:
Main Entry: quad·ri·ple·gia
Pronunciation: "kwäd-r&-'plE-j(E-)&
Function: noun
: paralysis of all four limbs called also tetraplegia

The man is a paraplegic. As I said, this is still an awful incident and the officers should be reprimanded and be required to go to training. But please, Media, please try to get the facts correct.

1 comment:

breliggan said...

... and a Happy Valentine's Day to you too?